

mardi 20 mars 2018

Amazing Whatsapp Status in English

stauts whatsapp

Whatsapp Status in English

-The simpler the things look the more we make it complicated with our unwanted thoughts

-We are angry but for a cause I wish some could also notice that

-Sometimes we should be angry because if getting angry prevents wrong its good

-It's the biggest crime to be emotional in today's time people always fool you

-We must be emotional that's what proves we are humans but never be an emotional fool

-Friendship is a huge word not everyone in today's time can define it

-Most people out there are not your friends they are your enemies with an mask of friendship

-A friend is just not the one who will always support you but also the one who will be against you when you do anything wrong

-Not everyone saying he is your friend is necessary will be your friend most are just the pretenders